Project OverviewOverviewLet's Try I©T is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. From 1.10.2015 until 30.9.2017 the project focuses on the usage of mobile APPs and other helpful IT-Tools in the context of ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care). The usage of these tools shall be increased by information tools (e.g. web based 'APP Advisor') and information campaigns. Background ICT tools in ECEC (Early childhood-education and Care) as a means to increase the quality and efficiency of services could be used in the direct support of the beneficiaries (children with disabilities, at risk or for their families) and within institutional quality management. The appropriate use of IT can facilitate the development of skills for children such as language development, literacy in preschool or communication for preverbal children. However a remarkable gap between the vast amount of available ICT tools for high quality learning support in ECEC and the scarce usage of these ICT tools by professional can be observed (Brito, 2010). ICT is also not an integrative part of ECEC professional training curricula in CE for special kindergarten teachers, or other Early childhood specialists. Main obstacles address:
Project Goals The goal of Let’s try I©T is